Two Generations at a Time: PelotonU Launches Third Site with OpenDoor Preschool

In Austin, parents with low income must navigate particularly complex decisions about how to support their families. To earn a living wage, a parent with two kids must earn $27.69 an hour. Without a bachelor’s degree, however, that wage is out of reach.

When a parent decides to pursue a degree, she must then figure out the trade offs of education costs, fitting school into her already busy schedule, and how to ensure her children are well cared for. Odds are, this parent will have to enroll in college part-time, giving them just a 16% chance of graduating – and a 10 year path to graduation. But without childcare – from family or a provider – the parent can’t enroll in the first place.

To meet the needs of these families, PelotonU is co-locating its third site with OpenDoor preschool at M Station. By combining PelotonU’s flexible paths to an AA or BA with Open Door’s high quality child care, we will create opportunity for parents currently unable to participate in higher education to pursue a degree while working full-time and ensuring their children are learning. With a bachelor’s degree, parents can double their income, leading to greater family stability and significant increases in their child’s future earnings.

The third site launches on August 5th and is open to anyone in Austin with children – ideally 6 or younger. This new initiative is made possible by funding from United Way of Greater Austin.

PelotonU’s third site will serve 10 families during its pilot! Space is limited and we are now accepting sign ups.


Questions? Contact us at 512-553-2338.